Associate Professor, Physics
Palanpur, Gujarat
Cabin : (Building No : 8 )
E-mail: sks@gecpalanpur.ac.in
- Nano Materials
- Lasers
- Nuclear Theory
- Engineering Physics 1
- Engineering Physics 2
- Measurement Techniques
- Introduction to Nanotechnology
- Physics laboratories
- Using simulation and animations
- User of Synchrotron-Xray facilities, Nd: YAG/other lasers
- Metals, Metal Oxide and Ferrite Nano Materials, synthesis and properties in both theoretical and experimental areas
- Neutron resonance parameters
- Photoacoustic spectroscopy
- Ph.D.in Physics, Govind Ballabh Pant University of A. & T. Pantnagar, Uttarakhand – Year 2003
- M.Sc. in Physics, Govind Ballabh Pant University of A. & T. Pantnagar, Uttarakhand – Year 1998
- B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics)Rohilkhand University Bareilly -Year 1995
- Associate Professor, Government Engineering College, Palanpur (Gujarat) from 21st October 2022 onwards…
- Associate Professor, Lukhdhirji Engineering College, Morbi (Gujarat) from 12th October 2018 to 20th October 2022
- Faculty:In various positions in India and abroad from 2003 onwards
- Coordinator-NBA -Criteria 8, Student Mentorship, NEP, Research, at LEC Morbi during 2018-22
- Co-Coordinator-NBA, IQAC -LEC Morbi (2019-22)
- Senior-Supervisor in GTU exam at LEC Morbi (2018-20)
- First Year Co-Coordinator at LEC Morbi and DIT Dehradun
- Observer in regular and entrance exam of Tech. Edu., UP (2015-16)
- Coordinator-TECHFEST, Red Ribbon Club at ICFAI University, Dehradun during 2011-14.
- Academic Advisor to B.Tech Students at ICT, Ibra, Muscat (2006-11)
- Life Member of Nano and Molecular Society of India
- Had been the member of American Physical Society.
International Journal
- Modeling thermodynamic properties of Ni, Sn, Al and Cu nanosolids Madan Singh, Benedict M. Taele , Sekhantso Lara , Sanjay Kumar Singhal and Kamal Devlal, High Temperatures-High Pressures, Vol. 51, pp. 403–DOI: 10.32908/hthp.v51.1263
- Jogi, J.K., Singhal, S.K., Jangir, R. et al. Investigation of the Structural and Optical Properties of Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles Synthesized via a Green Route. J. Electron. Mater. 51, 5482–5491 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11664-022-09813-2
International Conference
- Session chair in International E- Conference on “Recent Advances in Physics: A promise to Society” conducted by Higher Education Deptt, Govt. of Uttarakhand, during June 24-25, 2020.
National Journal
- S.K. Singhal et al., Impact of ICT on Teaching Learning System-a case study, Indian Journal of Educational Technology (ISSN- 25818325), 2020
National Conference
- Presented paper on ‘Development of Higher Order Thinking in School Students through Boot Camp – a case study’ at NITTTR Bhopal (Sept, 25-26, 2019)
- Santosh Joshi, K. Singhal, Jayant K. Jogi, Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and its application for ferrite samples; Oxides for medical applications,Elsevier, Chapter 26 (coming in Feb, 2023)(IISN/ISBN-609766)
- Jayant K. Jogi, K. Singhal, Santosh Joshi, Synthesis of Zinc Ferrite with Diverse Morphology and its applications,Elsevier, Chapter 59 (coming in 2023)in the book ‘Ferrite Nanostructured Magnetic Materials’.
- Synthesis of ZnO nanostructures and their medical application, Oxides for medical applications, Elsevier, Chapter 7 (Coming March, 2023) ) in the book ‘Oxides for medical applications’(IISN/ISBN-609766)
- Zirconia and its derivatives and their medical applications,in the book, Elsevier, Chapter1 7 (Coming March, 2023) ‘Oxides for medical applications’(IISN/ISBN-609766)
Expert Lectures Delivered
- Expert lectures delivered in Virtual Workshop organized by Department of Physics, School of Sciences, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani (Nainital) during 13/07/20 and 16/07/2020
- Expert Lecture on NEP 2020 in LEC Morbi delivered on 23/03/2021
Laboratory Development
- Established data studio-based Physics Lab by PASCO Scientific and Phywe at Ibra College of Technology, Muscat during 2009-11.
Research Projects
STTP/SEMINAR/Workshop Organized
- Coordinator of SSIP Boot camp conducted at LEC, Morbi during 17/06/2019 to 21/06/2019
- Co-coordinator for conducing NEP2020 webinar on 10/08/2021 at LEC Morbi on Use of Technology in Education-NEP2020
Short Term Courses/Seminars/ Workshop Attended
- Participated in ‘Design of low cost lab experiments for applied sciences’conducted by NITTTR Bhopl during 25/07/2022-29/07/2022
- Participated in ‘Alternative Sources of Energy’ during 19/08/2019-23-08-2019
Additional Achievement and Activities
- Guided 1 Ph.D Student of DIT University Dehradun as Co- Supervisor from 2014 to 2018.
- Currently guiding 1 Ph.D Student of GTU Ahmedabad as Supervisor from 2019 onwards.